"According to a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, sexual sensation in circumcised and uncircumcised men may not be so different after all. The research, performed in the Department of Psychology of McGill University in Montreal, consisted of genital sensory testing conducted on circumcised and uncircumcised men during states of sexual arousal and non-arousal. Results showed that no difference between the two groups was found in sensitivity to touch or pain."
Do you find the results of this study on circumcision reassuring?sunshine
I told myself if I ever had a baby boy I would not circumcise.
It wasn't because of what you stated above, but because of the pain the baby experiences having the procedure done. It was long thought that the baby didn't feel the pain, it was fairly quick and very little anaesthesia was used.
Dr. Fleiss (Heidi Fleiss's Dad who is a Pediatrician) did a story on this very topic and showed video of a baby screaming in pain during a circumcision and almost going into a vegetative state for a few moments as a reaction to the severity of the pain. It changed my mind completely.
There is no medical reason why this has to be done other than social pressure. Do we remove any other skin from our body after we are born? It would be like cutting off an earlobe because it didn't serve a purpose we thought it should.
As far as I can tell we were born with all the parts needed. And who ever are maker is had a reason for everything from our fingernails to our eyebrows to pubic hair.
I think it is horrible to subject a baby to that because of nonsensical BS that has been handed down through the ages.
My suggestion would be not to do it until the child or young man is old enough to decide for himself if he wants it. I don't think that there are many men out there who are not circumcised opting to have this surgery done.
Do you find the results of this study on circumcision reassuring?star theater opera theaterThe migill "study" compared tissues common to both complete and mutilated penises, it could not compare the parts missing on a mutilated penis, THAT IS WHERE THE LOSS IS. Report It
The Sorrells study mapped the sensitivity areas of a complete penis and could not find any areas on a mutilated one that compares to that which was lost. Report It
Reassuring how? Were you worried that one way or the other had less sensitivity? Really, I'm wondering how this would be reassuring.
*I don't know why I am getting thumbs downed. I really don't know why this would be reassuring, but go ahead and be jerks. "Everyone's entitled to answer how they like, right?"
Your point?
No, we have not found out the sex of our baby yet but if it is a boy, I have no plans on circumcision. I have seen video done on babies where they are in so much pain they just pass out, that is why they quit crying. Their lips turn blue, it is just horrible. Many say babies can't feel it which I thought also until I watched that video... it was so heart wrenching.
I find it interesting but dont know a single person who opted for circumcision that did it to enhance the childs sexual feelings. Most did it because of religious beliefs or because they feel the circumcisized penis to be easier to keep clean, less likely to get STD's, less likely to get HIV and less likely to get an infection.
It's an interesting study, for sure...but we didn't circumcise our boys anyway :) so it doesn't really impact me one way or the other.
Why would I find it reassuring? Most men don't last very long as it is..I can just imagine how it would be if they had more sensation! I can tell you however, that I had my son (and will have my baby boy too) circumcised because they are less likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease if cicumcised.
It's nothing to do with that. It's mostly for hygienic reasons. Sure it may hurt as a baby, but ask any guy that's been drafted how excruciating it was to have it done then. The military forces you to be circumcised for hygienic reasons. And truthfully, most women find the sight of an uncircumcised one disgusting (at least from the polls I've read).
\Don't let no one tell you that babies don't feel pain they definitely do, and God let them be born with the skin let them keep it . No one would cut my baby that is cruel.
People come up with cruel things to do to people. Some times after they cut the skin it grows back, i see no need to cut it off take a bath and clean up .
You can catch a disease doing a lot of things, You can walk down the street and some one sneeze in your face and give you a virous, do we need to sew their mouth up so they cant sneeze?
Queen Bee
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