Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you think breathalyzers should be installed in all vehicles?

"Ignition interlock devices work under a simple principle – the vehicle will not run if the driver’s breath shows a certain BAC, or in most cases, the presence of any alcohol at all. The device is installed into the steering column of the car. The driver is

trained in how to operate the device – it is not as simple as blowing into the collection tube. The driver must learn certain breath patterns to prevent a third party from blowing into the device to start the car.

Once the car is running, “rolling re-tests” are required every 15 minutes to one hour. If the driver fails to perform this rolling retest when prompted, the machine will record a violation. It is a crime in California to attempt to assist anyone in disabling an ignition interlock, or to blow into the tube to start the vehicle for another driver."

Do you think breathalyzers should be installed in all vehicles?headache

Why punish everyone for a few people's mistakes? I think the second you get a DUI it should be a mandatory requirement to have one placed on your vehicle. Why should I (a person that doesn't drink) have to do something because some idiot can't have the common sense not to drive drunk?

Do you think breathalyzers should be installed in all vehicles?paramount theater opera theater

No. Why punish the people who are not stupid enough to drive while drunk.
hell no this is a violation of our rights........ they cant do this stuff................this is illegal-----illegal search and seziure
It's not right. I have never drank. Nor do I ever intend to. So why should I ever have a device installed on my car when I have never been part of the problem. this in something that should only be given after the frist DUI. If you have done it once you will do it again.
Nope.I got an ex wife that had one put in her car.That thing would malfunction and not let anyone drive.As said above; why punish me for what other people do.I have a drink or a beer once in a while but I also have a wife to drive for me if I need to go.Our government needs to get their head out of their a** and find something worthwhile to work on.
This is "Big Brother is watching" stuff. It's scary.

*****Warning, the following is NOT politically correct. I don't sugarcoat. You have been warned.

If a person drinks and drives then great, install the damn thing. Install 10 of them if it prevents another DUI. I'm all in under those circumstances.

However, I am among the majority of drivers who do NOT drink and drive. Why punish me and millions of responseable adults?

I don't drink so why should I be punished for the actions of a few stupid drunk drivers? Why do I need to pay $1000 more for a car equipted with a breathlizer?

It's another case of minority rules. We have been doing a lot of that in this country lately. What kind of twisted logic says, "There are less people drive drunk so we need punish everybody." You can keep your damn laws out of my car!!

The problem is DUI penalities are not strict enough. If I were king for a day, this is how it would be.....

Everyone messes up once in their lives. So I would go easy on the first DUI. Automatic 12 month suspension with possiblilty work restricted driving permit. Breathizer installed in car at owners expense and will remain so for 5 years. Manditory $5000 fine. Manditory 90 days in jail which can be served during days off from work. Manditory 180 days of house arrest after jail time. Manditory 2 years probabtion. Manditory 7 years of assigned risk car insurance. Manditory rehab program.

Second DUI offense: License is revoked for the offender's entire LIFETIME!! In other words the offender will never legally drive a car again. Manditory 2 years in jail and manditory 1 year of house arrest. $10,000 fine. Probation for 7 years after house arrest. If they are caught driving a car on the revoked license and are sober, they serve the remaining probation period in jail.

Now if they are stupid enough to drive on the revoked license and get a third DUI offense: Manditory 10 years in prison, $100,000 fine and 10 years probation thereafter.

Fourth DUI offense: you're in prision for life. No questions asked.

Sadly these laws are way too harsh for our current society and would probably never happen in real life.

I'm just so tried of these losers who feel they need to drive drunk! There is no excuse...none...not one reason to drive drunk. You get no sympathy from me.

If you drive drunk and this post offends you, good maybe you needed to be offended. Get a friggin cab!!

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