Thursday, December 10, 2009

Atheists dont really get it do they......?

They dont understand that we as Christians are not hawking a group or a " religion "...we are by the shining face of Jesus pulling off a cosmic prision break...for all who want to leave their spiritual cells....Do you think I am preaching ? No..I am waving a lamp in the smoke filled room of life and showing you the escape door...Do you think I am " pushing my " religion " on people ? No...I am being used by Him to perform spiritual heart surgery on those who cant feel His love...Do you think I am pushing you ? No..I am throwing you a life line...because this is the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN...THRU JESUS....Do you think I " thump my bible " when I share the good news with you ? No...I am reading you the secret code to the path way to heaven...You stumbled and I have reached out and caught you before you fell.Do you think I represent the " Church (es) " you ride by ? No...I hardly ever go...if ever. His church is in my heart.Why do you struggle when speak ? The injured often do in their pain

Atheists dont really get it do they......?sheet music

But Anastasia, are you quite certain that there is only one path to heaven? Given that God is great, and his kingdom of heaven is vast, it seems like really bad architecture for there to only be one door to get in. Could it not be that all beliefs have their own path to heaven? Islam get's there through Allah, as guided by Mohammed. Jews, Budhists, Hindus, Shinto, all of these and many other religions have their own paths to heaven. Wouldn't such a set-up be more in line with what a loving and forgiving God would be?

Let's say you're right. Jesus is the only way to heaven. What of all those Chinese people that have never been exposed to Jesus' teachings? Never had the chance to make a choice? Are they all in hell? All those Africans, Australian aboriginies, Borneo tribespeople, the Yanomamo indians of the Amazon, all those Native Americans that lived on this continent for thousands of years before they even saw a white face, let alone a bible. Have all these souls been lost to hell?

I'm going to hit you where it hurts now Annie, and I hope you find a way to forgive me:

What about all those Jews that died at the hands of the Nazis? They didn't accept Christ as their savior. In saying that the only way to heaven is through Jesus, you condemn your own anscestors, perhaps even your grandparents that I know you love with all your heart, you condemn them to hell.

There is something very wrong, very evil with the statement, "In order to enter the kingdom of heaven, you must accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior." It is a seed of hate.

These are words that divide, words that falsely elevate one group of people over another. Humans don't handle that kind of superiority very well. There are numerous examples of this throughout history.

If you have any relative with numbers tatooed on their arms, ask them about people who think they're better than everyone else.

Atheists dont really get it do they......?state theatre opera theater

Nice try, but saying that the only way to heaven is through jesus is prejudicial and moronic. So you literally believe that for the past 2,000 years, around 50% of all humans born on the earth went to hell b/c they never heard of jesus. Nice system, no thanx

And when you tell me that gays don't deserve the rights that heteros get b/c it says so in the bible, while ignoring the fact that the bible also says you shall be put to death for wearing 2 different cloths, I say screw that noise and the bible you rode in on.
Me think you doth preach too much.
so your god uses you and my god lets me choose my own path?
Amen sister!

i dont think they'll ever get it personally. just to much in denial. it's easier to live in sin than it is to live an honest life.
No..I don't get the point of worshiping something that doesn't exist.

It just doesn't make sense to me for some odd reason....funny isn't it?
People don't like to be forced. With the things you do you bother them. The best thing to preach them is with your life. Be nice, tolerant, don't try to change them because the only one who can change them is GOD. God gave them the freedom to decide who are you to not respect their freedom? The only thing you can do is being tolerant, nice, loving, respectful and after they will wonder if you got something that makes you be like you are and they may get curious.
My dear, i am a devout Christian myself and i believe you are talking a lot of nonsense. Please come to sunday church. We will give you a hug when you get there. You haven't been coming yourself.

Do help the old lady to cross the road and wish well the people who give you good food at the table every day. Give your thanks. Bless you.
Thank God for your Beliefs. Some people have other Beliefs...and they believe in their faith much as you do. You may benefit greatly by exploring other religions, keeping an open mind. I can tell you are an American Christian...Southern?

Edit: New Rules: Read the Yahoo! Answers poster's blog before I answer a question. I just read this poor girl's blog. She seems pretty confused. I meant no offense in my post here. You will learn a lot in your life if you open your's scary...or "spooky"...but it's the only way to grow. Best Wishes.
No I think you are crazy on all accounts.
See, point is, your arguement only works if you agree with yourself. Athiests don't. So assuming you're NOT some beacon of light from gawd, you ARE just hawking a religion. See, athiests tend to favor science and logic, so they require a reasonable arguement. But you can't make one, because any arguement you make has that "begging the question" part, which logic says is not workable.

To be fair, though, I'm sure there are plenty of people who ARE converted by preaching, it's just a hit and miss (to the power of some large number) kind of scenario. And the athiests are tired of putting up with your missing.
When did you die and find out?
To say that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven is hypocritical. My question to you, as the supposed keeper of the key to that door, prove that Heaven exists, prove that God exists.

Faith is absolute bullshit. If you can not reaffirm a statement with factual evidence, do not make the statement, you god damn holy roller.
Wow you Christians are awefully verbose without ever saying anything.
I can't stand you now, I don't want to go wherever you are going. Even if it did exist.

You go to heaven for the climate, you go to hell for the company.
The problem is that there is no real proof that your god exists or that your religion is the right one. Sure, you have your faith, but some of us aren't willing to accept faith as a subsistute for evidence.

Atheists respond to questions posed by christians because we assume that there are lurkers who are also interested in getting an answer to the posted questions, and we are giving them an alternative answer than the standard "accept jesus" answer that the christians give.
umm...ok. I like being an atheist. I dont push my belifes on people, and I dont like having it rubbed in my face. Im very happy, and I lead a normal life. My husband is luthran, and we get along fine. I dont feel my life is missing anything. We are happy well rounded members of our society. Leave me alone. Ive noticed most christians are very judgmental, and are hypocrites. Why is that? Maybe you should stop trying to save Athiests, and concentrate on improving yourself.
Not that I am very biblical, I read that book a few times, but I just don't believe in it. But maybe you should try and read that book a little better too.

Rev 20 11-13 speaks about the white throne judgement for non-believers. They will be judged on their deeds, not on the fact if they had Jesus in their hearts or not.

Which for me (assuming God exists), as a non-believer means two options:

1) i'm being judged on my deeds by a moral fair God, which will make me go to heaven, ecause i'm a very nice person.

2)i'm being judged by an immoral God, which means He won't let me into His heaven. But why would I wanna spend time with an immoral God anyway?

I know what love is, I just can't bring myself to believe in Jesus. I also don't need to be saved with a lamp in a smoke filled room, because it's all very very clear to me. As I described, even with using your Bible, I don't need saving, because i'm gonna be judged on my deeds according to your Bible. Being judged on my deeds feels so much better to me than being judged based on whether or not I had Jesus in my heart. Deeds are what matter to this world.

I wish more people would only wanna be judged on their deeds. It would make the world a better place, don't you agree? I'm sure you agree on that.
uh,,,, you ARE thumpin' dear.
I think you live in a fantasy world when you say things like "the only way to heaven is through Jesus". That is just a belief, not a fact, and please don't state your beliefs as if they are fact. That annoys us non-believers and I think you don't get that. If you believe that you feel the love of Jesus, so be it, but please don't try to convince us that what you feel is objective, it is subjective and the feeling could come from anywhere, not necessarily from Jesus. It could be just you feeling love for yourself, by yourself. You don't know.
very poetic. your question was one of the more intelligent of thoughts granted to me as an atheist. i could ask of you the opposite for that is of my beliefs. i do not, for i do not think that i could make you think as i would, nor would i want you to. if i am wrong and there is in fact a heaven and hell, and there is in fact a creator that will cast me to a hell shall i not believe in him, i shall want to be cast away to the devil that would accept me. of you i think of as a different but equal mind, you question is fantastic in its structure but my beliefs are to. you may be right i might not get it though from my perspective i could in fact say the same of you. for you i warn, trying to bring of people your faith only will lead them to a harsher death. i give you my regards. if this is what you believe, follow it. if it is not of one others beliefs don't alter it. until later:

there are people in prison who prefer to be there.

there are people (some christian sects; ie Jehovah's witnesses) who refuse treatment like heart surgery.

this foolishness ends here.

i did not ask to be read some secret code which may or may not get me to "heaven". i did not ask or want you to try to "catch" me.

i do not go to jesus on bended knee. in fact i reject the premise of both his divinity and and the existence of heaven. therefor it makes no sense for me to pay homage to a man dead for 2000 years or to a book riddled with inconsistencies,lies and make believe.

i do not want to be shown "the light " and i find it offensive that you think that you and the people who believe as you alone know the path to the afterlife.

i do not want to to hear your personal fantasies.

did i struggle when i spoke just now?

i am neither inured or in pain. in fact i am stronger because i don't have a crutch to lean on and i welcome all comers.
Feel better now? I realize that once in a while a person just needs to vent, but seriously, why bother picking on the athiests? Why not pick on the pagans, wiccans, buddhists, etc, etc, etc. Live and let live and let live. As long as you are on your path, who cares about what anyone else thinks? You have to let it go and move on.
Why don't you struggle when you speak? The self-righteous often don't in their vanity. I agree and disagree with some of what you said.

I agree you weren't thumping your bible. You didn't even bring anything into the context of your bible. Most Christians at least come with some meaningful quote (albeit often out of context).

I disagree that you aren't preaching. Actually, I don't disagree. I merely have a different opinion on the matter that directly contrasts yours.

I agree you're not pushing your religion on me. You don't have that power or authority. Although I may feel that, using your analogy, you may be an untrained, uncertified surgeon whom I wouldn't let near me with a scalpel.

As for your life line, I have to wonder if you're throwing it from a sinking ship.

I have to say that this enitre sermon/tirade/lecture was extremely condescending and arrogant of you. I could easily take this paragraph, reverse all the statements, do no research or any other work, and I'd have an equally good argument for atheism. If you want to make a shallow argument for Christianity, I guess you've come to the right place. Other people tend to do that here. Next time you might want to hone your argument a little better though.
Gag me with a spoon.
Ronin said "Nice try, but saying that the only way to heaven is through jesus is prejudicial and moronic. So you literally believe that for the past 2,000 years, around 50% of all humans born on the earth went to hell b/c they never heard of jesus. Nice system, no thanx"

Well, you don't actually have to accept it, but it's true. You can say "I don't believe in the law of gravity" but step off a cliff and it's a long way down!

Ignoring truth will lead to the same consequences.
Its so FUNNY! ha ha ha ha You open a door for someone and they think you are prejudiced and moronic, and hypocritical! OMG how childish can they get!!! They don't want to grow up!!! They'll have to come to Neverland, because they'll never get to Heaven. They REJECT the DOOR. ha ha ha ha
Ring for the nurse and get her to increase your medication
Do you honestly believe that God would throw good people in hell just because they didn't believe what some nut in a tie tried to tell them? Or what about those who never had the chance to hear about Jesus? Does your God not have choices, or does He just not care that what He's doing is not only wrong but nonsensical?

If I were God, I think I would allow people to come back in another body to continue their spiritual and moral growth, rather than give up on them or not allow aborted babies or those who die in childhood to experience life.

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