Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christians, I have done over 10,000 tests for god, and each one has disproven him. How do you explai

For the last 30 years, at some point during the course of the day, I have mentally called out into the cosmos for a god (any god) to appear, to speak to me, to perform a miracle of my choosing, to present some sort of empirical evidence of its existence.

He (she/it) never shows.

Amazing as it sounds, every day I am met with silence. Mind you, I am totally open-minded and accepting of any and all evidence in this daily test, but I do require that it be REAL, TANGIBLE evidence... something that another human being can verify (I am just too honest and frank to try and pawn personal coincidence and anecdotes off as evidence.)

You would think after 10,000+ times I would have given up, but no! I'm no quitter. Such is my determination to give your Christianity a fair shake. In fact, I dare say I am the most open-minded atheist on earth.

What more could you ask for?

Christians, I have done over 10,000 tests for god, and each one has disproven him. How do you explain this?ballet

You know, this does not prove that God does not exist- it just proves that God does not obey you. :)

I keep emailing Bill Gates to send me a check for ten million dollars, and he never does. He never even replies.

Does that mean BIll Gates does not exist?

BTW- I don't believe in God either, but your test just does not cut the mustard!

Christians, I have done over 10,000 tests for god, and each one has disproven him. How do you explain this?globe theater opera theater

Hang in there, baby - the 100,000th time could be the one.
An Oxford Professor said that to believe the universe happened by chance is akin to believing that a tornado can go through a scrap yard and put together a boeing 747
Well what were you expecting. If you want to hear a voice, go do some peyote or acid and wander the desert till you have a vision.
Proof that an atheist would bother doing this 10,000 times.
That's an amazing experiment, to be honest. O_O Have you kept a log or thesis of the results? You may want to submit them to universities that have theistic philosophy programs-I'm positive they'd be interested to hear about it.
Open your ears and eyes, still dont 'see' anything then your an atheists.
I like to challenge god to contests. Like who can lift a pencil the highest. I beat him everytime.
If you want evidence, take your Bible read it and then give some old history books and study them and you will find what you are looking for. If you do not believe in God or follow Him, he can't reveal Himself to you because you would not recognize Him. Flavius Josephus is an ancient historian that was in Jerusalem around the time of Jesus.
Well, for starters, your obviously not an atheist. Else you wouldn't have been calling out to a god.

Secondly you do not control God. He owes you nothing including signs and wonders. If you wish to perish in your pride then He is willing to let you do so.

I realize you are just trolling but perhaps this will be helpful for someone else.

sorry to tell you.. but you are a quitter....

your so called tests are ridiculous..
Below is a link to "Where Love Is There is God" written by Leo Tolstoy. It's about a shoemaker who has a dream that God told him he would visit him 3 times the next day.

You will be surprised to learn that God has been speaking to you all this time. And you never realized it., because you thought you were right about who God is. And about how God should answer. God is not a man.
Fear not, it may take just 90,000 more tests!

I'm behind you 100%, give it your best shot!

Without "Faith", that intangible item that is needed, you probably wouldn't succeed if you tried 1,000,000 more tests.

There is a cosmos inside of you as well, this is the cosmos that you must research in. The Creator dwells on the inside of man, and this is where the contact is made.
God didn't ask for your tests, just your faith. Good news though, all you have to do is stop doubting and choose to believe, and you too can be saved.

You know, for a long time I wasn't convinced that China existed. I thought about it every day...begging China to perform a miracle of My choosing (cuz I should be able to tell China what to do), all to no avail.

Oh, sure, I have met people who claim to have been to China, but I won't accept their silly "experiences" as tangible evidence. You would think that I would give up by now, but NO! I am determined to give China a fair shake.

Sarcasm added at no additional charge. God doesn't need to prove Himself to you.
You're very full of yourself, aren't you?
Christ himself said that it is a wicked generation that seeks a sign. Also God's existence is not disproved based whether or not you can annoy Him into revealing Himself. That is never a claim of Christianity or the Bible. It does not mean God does not do that, however don't expect Him to react according to your command. He does reveal Himself in a very real and direct way to MANY people, but it is according to His will and discretion. Don't expect Him to be some sort of genie that you can summon by rubbing a lamp. If you really want God to speak to you, I suggest you read the Bible as a love letter to you, not just as a book of fiction. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you hear God's voice and that He will show Himself to you in whatever way He deems fit. That is what it truly means to be open-minded to God.
Isn't "open-minded atheist" an oxymoron?

God says, "I will not be mocked."

God prefers to speak in a still, small loving voice.

God prefers patience, gentleness, and He is long-suffering.

The day you get REAL with yourself, and REALLY seek

God out you WILL find him.
God is there. I would rather believe in God b/c I know mankind lies. How could I trust someone (mankind) that I know lies and is not consistent. Even if you think we came from the big bang theroy, then I ask you , where did the material for that come from. Everything had to come from somewhere. Mabe God is beyond our full understanding, but He is there.

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