Thursday, December 10, 2009

I met my dream guy @ starbucks....he left me seeing fireworks and had to move away.......what now?

This story is sooo long and probably good enough to be a movie.....I'll try to shorten it.

I worked at starbucks a few months ago, during one of my slow shifts this guy showed up. When I looked up I was struck by how gorgeous.......compleatly stunning he was. He asked me for a free refill.....I said I couldn't and asked why he was so poor (I'm pretty blunt) He said he was a juggler and a So we ended up talking for a 1/2 hr and found out we had so much in common. He left, but I told him when I worked during the week. 4 days later (the next time I came into work) he came again! We talked forever again and at one point he said " eating is actually really easy, I could probably even teach you." I took him up on his offer. During my lunch break I went up to him and said "Ready?" So he did, he taught me to eat fire during my lunch break. Later that night I found out this was his last night in town, leaving to perform around the country...ill add more

I met my dream guy @ starbucks....he left me seeing fireworks and had to move away.......what now?say yes

lifes too short, leave. As long as you don't have kids there is no reason you cant just pick up and leave any time you want. Unless you are afraid of ending up poor.

I met my dream guy @ starbucks....he left me seeing fireworks and had to move away.......what now?palace theatre opera theater

you should travel around the country with him eating fire. and then write a memoir about this period in your life. I could already see it now, what you just said is chapter 1. chapter 2 is going to college, feeling empty, making the decision, then going on a wild trip to try to track him down... only to have him find you...or whatever. chapter 3 is your adventures traveling around the country as a fire eater, trying to get by.

OMG DUDE! you have to do it, whether or not it works out, it's gonna be the best experience of your life and you'll learn so friquin much and everyone you ever meet will be impressed with your story afterwards.

You can take a year off from school; many people take a year off after high school and travel a little bit before university. Or you could just cut all your classes, and just come back for 2 weeks before midterms and finals and cram it. Depends on your major, but for most you really don't have to go to class.

Would Yahoo Literati accept these words ?????

1. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

2. Foreploy (v): Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

3. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent

For an indefinite period.

4. Giraffiti (n): Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

5. Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't

Get it.

6. Inoculatte (v): To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

7. Hipatitis (n): Terminal coolness.

8. Osteopornosis (n): A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

9 . Karmageddon (n): It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

10 .Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

11. Glibido (v): All talk and no action.

12. Dopeler effect (n): The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

13. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

14. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

15. Caterpallor (n.): The colour you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you're eating.

16. Ignoranus (n): A person who's both stupid and an a**hole

Would Yahoo Literati accept these words ?????getting late


Would Yahoo Literati accept these words ?????regal theater opera theater

These are brilliant - more, please!

I'm a stickler for correctness in formal settings (e.g. essays), but there's a time and a place for more relaxed language as well and I love slang!
i guess so.. if not they r stupid

Christians, I have done over 10,000 tests for god, and each one has disproven him. How do you explai

For the last 30 years, at some point during the course of the day, I have mentally called out into the cosmos for a god (any god) to appear, to speak to me, to perform a miracle of my choosing, to present some sort of empirical evidence of its existence.

He (she/it) never shows.

Amazing as it sounds, every day I am met with silence. Mind you, I am totally open-minded and accepting of any and all evidence in this daily test, but I do require that it be REAL, TANGIBLE evidence... something that another human being can verify (I am just too honest and frank to try and pawn personal coincidence and anecdotes off as evidence.)

You would think after 10,000+ times I would have given up, but no! I'm no quitter. Such is my determination to give your Christianity a fair shake. In fact, I dare say I am the most open-minded atheist on earth.

What more could you ask for?

Christians, I have done over 10,000 tests for god, and each one has disproven him. How do you explain this?ballet

You know, this does not prove that God does not exist- it just proves that God does not obey you. :)

I keep emailing Bill Gates to send me a check for ten million dollars, and he never does. He never even replies.

Does that mean BIll Gates does not exist?

BTW- I don't believe in God either, but your test just does not cut the mustard!

Christians, I have done over 10,000 tests for god, and each one has disproven him. How do you explain this?globe theater opera theater

Hang in there, baby - the 100,000th time could be the one.
An Oxford Professor said that to believe the universe happened by chance is akin to believing that a tornado can go through a scrap yard and put together a boeing 747
Well what were you expecting. If you want to hear a voice, go do some peyote or acid and wander the desert till you have a vision.
Proof that an atheist would bother doing this 10,000 times.
That's an amazing experiment, to be honest. O_O Have you kept a log or thesis of the results? You may want to submit them to universities that have theistic philosophy programs-I'm positive they'd be interested to hear about it.
Open your ears and eyes, still dont 'see' anything then your an atheists.
I like to challenge god to contests. Like who can lift a pencil the highest. I beat him everytime.
If you want evidence, take your Bible read it and then give some old history books and study them and you will find what you are looking for. If you do not believe in God or follow Him, he can't reveal Himself to you because you would not recognize Him. Flavius Josephus is an ancient historian that was in Jerusalem around the time of Jesus.
Well, for starters, your obviously not an atheist. Else you wouldn't have been calling out to a god.

Secondly you do not control God. He owes you nothing including signs and wonders. If you wish to perish in your pride then He is willing to let you do so.

I realize you are just trolling but perhaps this will be helpful for someone else.

sorry to tell you.. but you are a quitter....

your so called tests are ridiculous..
Below is a link to "Where Love Is There is God" written by Leo Tolstoy. It's about a shoemaker who has a dream that God told him he would visit him 3 times the next day.

You will be surprised to learn that God has been speaking to you all this time. And you never realized it., because you thought you were right about who God is. And about how God should answer. God is not a man.
Fear not, it may take just 90,000 more tests!

I'm behind you 100%, give it your best shot!

Without "Faith", that intangible item that is needed, you probably wouldn't succeed if you tried 1,000,000 more tests.

There is a cosmos inside of you as well, this is the cosmos that you must research in. The Creator dwells on the inside of man, and this is where the contact is made.
God didn't ask for your tests, just your faith. Good news though, all you have to do is stop doubting and choose to believe, and you too can be saved.

You know, for a long time I wasn't convinced that China existed. I thought about it every day...begging China to perform a miracle of My choosing (cuz I should be able to tell China what to do), all to no avail.

Oh, sure, I have met people who claim to have been to China, but I won't accept their silly "experiences" as tangible evidence. You would think that I would give up by now, but NO! I am determined to give China a fair shake.

Sarcasm added at no additional charge. God doesn't need to prove Himself to you.
You're very full of yourself, aren't you?
Christ himself said that it is a wicked generation that seeks a sign. Also God's existence is not disproved based whether or not you can annoy Him into revealing Himself. That is never a claim of Christianity or the Bible. It does not mean God does not do that, however don't expect Him to react according to your command. He does reveal Himself in a very real and direct way to MANY people, but it is according to His will and discretion. Don't expect Him to be some sort of genie that you can summon by rubbing a lamp. If you really want God to speak to you, I suggest you read the Bible as a love letter to you, not just as a book of fiction. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you hear God's voice and that He will show Himself to you in whatever way He deems fit. That is what it truly means to be open-minded to God.
Isn't "open-minded atheist" an oxymoron?

God says, "I will not be mocked."

God prefers to speak in a still, small loving voice.

God prefers patience, gentleness, and He is long-suffering.

The day you get REAL with yourself, and REALLY seek

God out you WILL find him.
God is there. I would rather believe in God b/c I know mankind lies. How could I trust someone (mankind) that I know lies and is not consistent. Even if you think we came from the big bang theroy, then I ask you , where did the material for that come from. Everything had to come from somewhere. Mabe God is beyond our full understanding, but He is there.

Atheists dont really get it do they......?

They dont understand that we as Christians are not hawking a group or a " religion "...we are by the shining face of Jesus pulling off a cosmic prision break...for all who want to leave their spiritual cells....Do you think I am preaching ? No..I am waving a lamp in the smoke filled room of life and showing you the escape door...Do you think I am " pushing my " religion " on people ? No...I am being used by Him to perform spiritual heart surgery on those who cant feel His love...Do you think I am pushing you ? No..I am throwing you a life line...because this is the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN...THRU JESUS....Do you think I " thump my bible " when I share the good news with you ? No...I am reading you the secret code to the path way to heaven...You stumbled and I have reached out and caught you before you fell.Do you think I represent the " Church (es) " you ride by ? No...I hardly ever go...if ever. His church is in my heart.Why do you struggle when speak ? The injured often do in their pain

Atheists dont really get it do they......?sheet music

But Anastasia, are you quite certain that there is only one path to heaven? Given that God is great, and his kingdom of heaven is vast, it seems like really bad architecture for there to only be one door to get in. Could it not be that all beliefs have their own path to heaven? Islam get's there through Allah, as guided by Mohammed. Jews, Budhists, Hindus, Shinto, all of these and many other religions have their own paths to heaven. Wouldn't such a set-up be more in line with what a loving and forgiving God would be?

Let's say you're right. Jesus is the only way to heaven. What of all those Chinese people that have never been exposed to Jesus' teachings? Never had the chance to make a choice? Are they all in hell? All those Africans, Australian aboriginies, Borneo tribespeople, the Yanomamo indians of the Amazon, all those Native Americans that lived on this continent for thousands of years before they even saw a white face, let alone a bible. Have all these souls been lost to hell?

I'm going to hit you where it hurts now Annie, and I hope you find a way to forgive me:

What about all those Jews that died at the hands of the Nazis? They didn't accept Christ as their savior. In saying that the only way to heaven is through Jesus, you condemn your own anscestors, perhaps even your grandparents that I know you love with all your heart, you condemn them to hell.

There is something very wrong, very evil with the statement, "In order to enter the kingdom of heaven, you must accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior." It is a seed of hate.

These are words that divide, words that falsely elevate one group of people over another. Humans don't handle that kind of superiority very well. There are numerous examples of this throughout history.

If you have any relative with numbers tatooed on their arms, ask them about people who think they're better than everyone else.

Atheists dont really get it do they......?state theatre opera theater

Nice try, but saying that the only way to heaven is through jesus is prejudicial and moronic. So you literally believe that for the past 2,000 years, around 50% of all humans born on the earth went to hell b/c they never heard of jesus. Nice system, no thanx

And when you tell me that gays don't deserve the rights that heteros get b/c it says so in the bible, while ignoring the fact that the bible also says you shall be put to death for wearing 2 different cloths, I say screw that noise and the bible you rode in on.
Me think you doth preach too much.
so your god uses you and my god lets me choose my own path?
Amen sister!

i dont think they'll ever get it personally. just to much in denial. it's easier to live in sin than it is to live an honest life.
No..I don't get the point of worshiping something that doesn't exist.

It just doesn't make sense to me for some odd reason....funny isn't it?
People don't like to be forced. With the things you do you bother them. The best thing to preach them is with your life. Be nice, tolerant, don't try to change them because the only one who can change them is GOD. God gave them the freedom to decide who are you to not respect their freedom? The only thing you can do is being tolerant, nice, loving, respectful and after they will wonder if you got something that makes you be like you are and they may get curious.
My dear, i am a devout Christian myself and i believe you are talking a lot of nonsense. Please come to sunday church. We will give you a hug when you get there. You haven't been coming yourself.

Do help the old lady to cross the road and wish well the people who give you good food at the table every day. Give your thanks. Bless you.
Thank God for your Beliefs. Some people have other Beliefs...and they believe in their faith much as you do. You may benefit greatly by exploring other religions, keeping an open mind. I can tell you are an American Christian...Southern?

Edit: New Rules: Read the Yahoo! Answers poster's blog before I answer a question. I just read this poor girl's blog. She seems pretty confused. I meant no offense in my post here. You will learn a lot in your life if you open your's scary...or "spooky"...but it's the only way to grow. Best Wishes.
No I think you are crazy on all accounts.
See, point is, your arguement only works if you agree with yourself. Athiests don't. So assuming you're NOT some beacon of light from gawd, you ARE just hawking a religion. See, athiests tend to favor science and logic, so they require a reasonable arguement. But you can't make one, because any arguement you make has that "begging the question" part, which logic says is not workable.

To be fair, though, I'm sure there are plenty of people who ARE converted by preaching, it's just a hit and miss (to the power of some large number) kind of scenario. And the athiests are tired of putting up with your missing.
When did you die and find out?
To say that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven is hypocritical. My question to you, as the supposed keeper of the key to that door, prove that Heaven exists, prove that God exists.

Faith is absolute bullshit. If you can not reaffirm a statement with factual evidence, do not make the statement, you god damn holy roller.
Wow you Christians are awefully verbose without ever saying anything.
I can't stand you now, I don't want to go wherever you are going. Even if it did exist.

You go to heaven for the climate, you go to hell for the company.
The problem is that there is no real proof that your god exists or that your religion is the right one. Sure, you have your faith, but some of us aren't willing to accept faith as a subsistute for evidence.

Atheists respond to questions posed by christians because we assume that there are lurkers who are also interested in getting an answer to the posted questions, and we are giving them an alternative answer than the standard "accept jesus" answer that the christians give.
umm...ok. I like being an atheist. I dont push my belifes on people, and I dont like having it rubbed in my face. Im very happy, and I lead a normal life. My husband is luthran, and we get along fine. I dont feel my life is missing anything. We are happy well rounded members of our society. Leave me alone. Ive noticed most christians are very judgmental, and are hypocrites. Why is that? Maybe you should stop trying to save Athiests, and concentrate on improving yourself.
Not that I am very biblical, I read that book a few times, but I just don't believe in it. But maybe you should try and read that book a little better too.

Rev 20 11-13 speaks about the white throne judgement for non-believers. They will be judged on their deeds, not on the fact if they had Jesus in their hearts or not.

Which for me (assuming God exists), as a non-believer means two options:

1) i'm being judged on my deeds by a moral fair God, which will make me go to heaven, ecause i'm a very nice person.

2)i'm being judged by an immoral God, which means He won't let me into His heaven. But why would I wanna spend time with an immoral God anyway?

I know what love is, I just can't bring myself to believe in Jesus. I also don't need to be saved with a lamp in a smoke filled room, because it's all very very clear to me. As I described, even with using your Bible, I don't need saving, because i'm gonna be judged on my deeds according to your Bible. Being judged on my deeds feels so much better to me than being judged based on whether or not I had Jesus in my heart. Deeds are what matter to this world.

I wish more people would only wanna be judged on their deeds. It would make the world a better place, don't you agree? I'm sure you agree on that.
uh,,,, you ARE thumpin' dear.
I think you live in a fantasy world when you say things like "the only way to heaven is through Jesus". That is just a belief, not a fact, and please don't state your beliefs as if they are fact. That annoys us non-believers and I think you don't get that. If you believe that you feel the love of Jesus, so be it, but please don't try to convince us that what you feel is objective, it is subjective and the feeling could come from anywhere, not necessarily from Jesus. It could be just you feeling love for yourself, by yourself. You don't know.
very poetic. your question was one of the more intelligent of thoughts granted to me as an atheist. i could ask of you the opposite for that is of my beliefs. i do not, for i do not think that i could make you think as i would, nor would i want you to. if i am wrong and there is in fact a heaven and hell, and there is in fact a creator that will cast me to a hell shall i not believe in him, i shall want to be cast away to the devil that would accept me. of you i think of as a different but equal mind, you question is fantastic in its structure but my beliefs are to. you may be right i might not get it though from my perspective i could in fact say the same of you. for you i warn, trying to bring of people your faith only will lead them to a harsher death. i give you my regards. if this is what you believe, follow it. if it is not of one others beliefs don't alter it. until later:

there are people in prison who prefer to be there.

there are people (some christian sects; ie Jehovah's witnesses) who refuse treatment like heart surgery.

this foolishness ends here.

i did not ask to be read some secret code which may or may not get me to "heaven". i did not ask or want you to try to "catch" me.

i do not go to jesus on bended knee. in fact i reject the premise of both his divinity and and the existence of heaven. therefor it makes no sense for me to pay homage to a man dead for 2000 years or to a book riddled with inconsistencies,lies and make believe.

i do not want to be shown "the light " and i find it offensive that you think that you and the people who believe as you alone know the path to the afterlife.

i do not want to to hear your personal fantasies.

did i struggle when i spoke just now?

i am neither inured or in pain. in fact i am stronger because i don't have a crutch to lean on and i welcome all comers.
Feel better now? I realize that once in a while a person just needs to vent, but seriously, why bother picking on the athiests? Why not pick on the pagans, wiccans, buddhists, etc, etc, etc. Live and let live and let live. As long as you are on your path, who cares about what anyone else thinks? You have to let it go and move on.
Why don't you struggle when you speak? The self-righteous often don't in their vanity. I agree and disagree with some of what you said.

I agree you weren't thumping your bible. You didn't even bring anything into the context of your bible. Most Christians at least come with some meaningful quote (albeit often out of context).

I disagree that you aren't preaching. Actually, I don't disagree. I merely have a different opinion on the matter that directly contrasts yours.

I agree you're not pushing your religion on me. You don't have that power or authority. Although I may feel that, using your analogy, you may be an untrained, uncertified surgeon whom I wouldn't let near me with a scalpel.

As for your life line, I have to wonder if you're throwing it from a sinking ship.

I have to say that this enitre sermon/tirade/lecture was extremely condescending and arrogant of you. I could easily take this paragraph, reverse all the statements, do no research or any other work, and I'd have an equally good argument for atheism. If you want to make a shallow argument for Christianity, I guess you've come to the right place. Other people tend to do that here. Next time you might want to hone your argument a little better though.
Gag me with a spoon.
Ronin said "Nice try, but saying that the only way to heaven is through jesus is prejudicial and moronic. So you literally believe that for the past 2,000 years, around 50% of all humans born on the earth went to hell b/c they never heard of jesus. Nice system, no thanx"

Well, you don't actually have to accept it, but it's true. You can say "I don't believe in the law of gravity" but step off a cliff and it's a long way down!

Ignoring truth will lead to the same consequences.
Its so FUNNY! ha ha ha ha You open a door for someone and they think you are prejudiced and moronic, and hypocritical! OMG how childish can they get!!! They don't want to grow up!!! They'll have to come to Neverland, because they'll never get to Heaven. They REJECT the DOOR. ha ha ha ha
Ring for the nurse and get her to increase your medication
Do you honestly believe that God would throw good people in hell just because they didn't believe what some nut in a tie tried to tell them? Or what about those who never had the chance to hear about Jesus? Does your God not have choices, or does He just not care that what He's doing is not only wrong but nonsensical?

If I were God, I think I would allow people to come back in another body to continue their spiritual and moral growth, rather than give up on them or not allow aborted babies or those who die in childhood to experience life.

Do you feel totally controlled at your workplace?

Studies have shown that job satisfaction increases with the degree

to which workers enjoy autonomy and choice with respect to which

tasks they do, and the manner in which they perform them.

In other words, if your boss is a bi t c h or controlling jerk, and you

have zero input per what you do, when you do it, and how you do

it, you're probably a redneck(just kidding, you have to be silly

on Wednesday). I mean, your probably pretty miserable then,

and even hate going to work in the morning.

It actually literally hurts inside, as I can attest from my share of

totally controlling jobs.

Temp jobs are good for totally controlling.

Retailing and secretary/receptionist jobs are 100% monitored,

like cattle at an agribusiness farm.

They do everything at those jobs but stick anal probes up your

a s s to keep track of your temperature.

Some of you have great jobs, but I'm sure some of you have awful

ones. I want to hear just from the awful ones, how bad your job is.

Tell us.

Do you feel totally controlled at your workplace?headache

No - I'm in upper level management in a large government agency. You are correct - employees feel happier when they have "control" over their work. They are more loyal to a boss who trusts them and who will let them behave as professionals. People generally know how to perform well and will be very productive with little supervision. The stress from micromanagement is what usually causes employees to freak out, get nervous, get depressed, and get sick.

My management philosophy is to set the agenda for our department and provide our team with the resources they need - whether that's more training, more supplies, more salaries, or simply a shoulder to cry on. I take care of budget, timelines, and work flow matters so that the workers can be free from those headaches to actually "do their jobs." I've had many micromanaging bosses and I've always hated their guts. I've tried to practice a more trusting and sincere form of administration.

My own boss pretty much leaves me alone - she knows my philosophy and we work as a team more than as co-supervisors.

My message to managers is to lighten up and trust your employees.

Do you feel totally controlled at your workplace?paramount theater opera theater

yes, extremely
You're Damned Skippy I do.
I left the workplace behind me 25 years ago

Britney Spears' New Album. Your thoughts?

Ok, here's my take. What made Brtiney Spears so successful in the past is that she put on a dynamic performance every single time, whether it's in her music videos or on stage. This time around, her new album is good, but her videos are ok compared to her past performances. There's something missing. The energy is not there. I think the reason behind it is that she's not at the same place emotionally as she used to be, and it's showing in her performances. It's not the songs, they're actually pretty good, it's the delivery. In the past, you could feel the energy and passion that she brought with her when she performed. She enjoyed being on stage. I think she needed more time to work on herself before jumping back into the music scene. Your thoughts?

Britney Spears' New Album. Your thoughts?ms stress

I think considering all the bad press and nonsense she still manages to succeed. Her music quality hasn't really changed that much due to the songwriters and producers she has. So if you like that kind of music her new album isn't going to change your opinion of it. Her music videos aren't too good so she's not going to have too many huge hits, but she'll still have success.

It's kind of amazing how someone who is so messed up and disrespected can manage to succeed. I' beginning to think she can withstand anything and always bounce back.

How can I get my mom to let me do community theater?

Everyone thinks I'm too smart to do what it is I REALLY want to do. I want to perform. I take voice lessons, my dancing is okay, I love to act and sing, and i've been in a couple shows. I did my highschool's musical and I miss it soooooo much. I've asked about doing local stuff, but my mom won't let me because she doesn't want to drive me. Can i convince her?

How can I get my mom to let me do community theater?binoculars

Try explaining to her the feeling you get when your up on stage taking a bow. Every performer has an inner passion inside of them. A burning fire that can only be fed by an audience. Don't let your mother stand in your way. You are in charge of what you want to pursue. Explain to your mom that this is what brings you joy and happiness in your life. If she doesn't understand try to find a buddy at your school involved in community theater and try hitching a ride with them. If you are still at a loss find a bus schedule in your area. Do this all with your mom's permission. If she can't trust you it could cause some major problems in the future. Good luck and Break-A-Leg!

How can I get my mom to let me do community theater?violin opera theater

Do all the leg work first. Secure a ride, check out the people and know their background so she won't freak out about them being strangers. Then tell her how acting will help you in other areas of your education, like English,reading comprehension, memory, socialization and generally feel happy about yourself and be more self confident. Tell her that if you go into this early in life it will also give you a chance to get it out of your system early enough so if you change your mind you still have time to pick up some other profession. Good luck.
pay for it. or car pool with a fellow thespian.
Find out why she dosn't want to take you. If she really dosn't want to drive you, ask a friend to drive you, or get a car. If she's saying it cuz she think you can do better than theatre, sit down and talk with her. If you can convince her, just once, to take you and she see's how good you are and that that is what you really want to do, maybe she'll turn. Remember that you control your own destiny, not even your parents can tell you what to do forever.
She has a right to say no if you are unable to drive yourself to rehearsals. You are asking her to sacrifice her time which may not seem like a big deal to you but she may already feel overwhelmed with responsibilities. After all, you are already taking voice lessons and I am guessing dance lessons (since you mention that you dance okay).

If you are asking your mother to make this sacrifice for you by driving you to and from rehearsals and then to and from performances, what are you willing to do for her? Are you willing to cook dinner once a week, do your own laundry and maybe even all of the sheets and towels and such too? Are you prepared to give up some of your own time to do things she would normally do so that she can have some time for herself? In other words, if you are going to ask her to spend her time driving you to and from the community theater how much are you willing to pay in your own time?

Either that or you could learn to drive (if you are too young to do so then wait until you are old enough). If this is something you are truly committed to doing in your life then waiting until you can do it for yourself, without the need to ask anyone else to help you, will not matter.
I know our local theater has real celebrites a lot so it's serious business there. My sister was in the christmas production and my mom went with step dad (her real dad) thought it was a pain too to have to go across town etc. but when they drug him along for practice he saw how serious it was, it was a lot of work and she eventually would get something back from it. ie: looks good on your resume and college entrance etc.

Help!I need a play or speech or a good idea for teachers day. I am in 8th grade.?

Any humorous or interesting talk, or nice involving play which doesn't require a lot of props or any other idea which can be performed on the teachers day program on stage. thanks a lot, even if you've only read the question and not bothered to search your memory!Please,fashion shows or hall of fame thing is not possible. we are only girls and the more the members of the drama the better!thanks.

Help!I need a play or speech or a good idea for teachers day. I am in 8th grade.?performing arts center

You could act like you have your own talk show (like Oprah). It would only require chairs - maybe a postboard in the back with the name of your show. Your topic could be about teachers and the sacrifices they make for students. You could interview a teacher and a couple of students with like 3 questions each:

Teacher questions: How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a teacher? On average how many hours a week do you put in...including at home? Then give some sort of statistic a positive one.

Student questions: What is the best quality in a teacher -(when the student answers the questions make a positive reference to your school and - oh yes, the students at County Middle School know what that about. Ask a couple of more questions. Then end your show with telling the teachers and staff how much the students here at the school appreciate them and say like Thank you for all that you do.

Good luck - my daughter is in 8th grade too. :)

Help!I need a play or speech or a good idea for teachers day. I am in 8th grade.?sunshine opera theater

The year I graduated high school, Baz Luhrman did a cover and song for a speech a teacher once wrote for her graduating class. I think it was called, "Everyone Is Free to Wear Sunscreen". Don't know how creative you are or how long you've got, but some sort of remix of that as students advising teachers might be fun. Just an idea. Hope it helps.
You could try some of the more tasteful Monty Python skits.... or you could modernize a Shakespearean play because back in those days only men were aloud to act so you could do the same with all girls. Or you could do like a news type skit about the school and bring all the teachers into it. You could be like "breaking news this just in Mrs. Smith got caught putting tack's on the principles chair" You know improve

Good Luck
Maybe something about how a teacher inspies someone to follow their dream and they become a great success? About how they were thinking of quitting, just giving up and then the teacher talks to them and inspires them to keep trying. They become a world-famous athlete/singer/dancer/whatever. Use your imagination. That's where the best answers come from, because they're yours.
Shel Silverstein poem:

“I cannot go to school today,”

Said little Peggy Ann McKay.

“I have the measles and the mumps,

A gash, a rash and purple bumps.

My mouth is wet, my throat is dry,

I’m going blind in my right eye.

My tonsils are as big as rocks,

I’ve counted sixteen chicken pox

And there’s one more—that’s seventeen,

And don’t you think my face looks green?

My leg is cut—my eyes are blue—

It might be instamatic flu.

I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,

I’m sure that my left leg is broke—

My hip hurts when I move my chin,

My belly button’s caving in,

My back is wrenched, my ankle’s sprained,

My ‘pendix pains each time it rains.

My nose is cold, my toes are numb.

I have a sliver in my thumb.

My neck is stiff, my voice is weak,

I hardly whisper when I speak.

My tongue is filling up my mouth,

I think my hair is falling out.

My elbow’s bent, my spine ain’t straight,

My temperature is one-o-eight.

My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,

There is a hole inside my ear.

I have a hangnail, and my heart is—what?

What’s that? What’s that you say?

You say today is…Saturday?

G’bye, I’m going out to play!”

-Shel Silverstein
you can try having a talk show with your teachers and try to ask them about teacher related questions to understand there own issues. we've done this and it is really a good one!


Introduction, body, and conclusion.

Kevin, Liverpool, England.
u can have sum sort of dance, or maybe u can remix sum songs.

u no put different words in it n all

For the men....?

I was with a man that was a virgin until his mid 20's. A women that was in the same job industry as him, that was in an open/married relationship..helped him lose it. She took him to a hotel room that was all set up %26amp; spent part of a day showing him what sex was all about. What to do, how things should feel, etc. Then he became a player for several years...he is very well endowed %26amp; used that to get women to satisfy him. He was in %26amp; out of relationships between that. In one seriously bad relationship on/ff again for 7 yrs(about 10yrs ago). Then he was looking for someone to be his mate, said he was getting older..tired of the player his late 30's then. Finally we meet..he is 42 now. At first it was just about being friends w/bennies, but it went to a serious long-term...we have a true wonderful connection %26amp; get alone so well, like the same things, etc. Once we became gf/bf he could no long perform in the bedroom. I just dont understand. Shouldn't that make it better?

For the men....?opera score

i sound just like that man, my gf cant understand why i dont want sex. i love her madly but have slept with so many people i am quite frankly over it

Only serious answers PLEASE! Should I be concerned?

I have been married a little over a year and my spouse have done some things out of the ordinary. Our sex life have been a bit slow (not because of me) and out of the blue he wants to perform oral sex(something we have never engaged in). After that he only wanted to put the head in instead of full trush. Mind you that only a few months ago when it came to sex he would turn his back to me and showed no interest. And if we did he only wanted it doggy style, not face to face.

Only serious answers PLEASE! Should I be concerned?greek theater

Chances are if he is getting new ideas about sex they are coming from somewhere. But don't assume the worst! It could be adult magazines or videos. Have a real conversation with him about your fears. Make sure he knows if you are open to expanding your sexuality, but do it as a couple. Let him know you if are not comfortable with him springing new ideas up in the bedroom. Communicating is the most empowering thing you can do for a relationship.

Only serious answers PLEASE! Should I be concerned?performing arts show opera theater

Talk to him about. Be straight forward and frank.
You should really be talking to your husband about this, not total strangers.
Maybe he's trying to spice it up. This could be a good thing.
ask him.
Well maybe he was just in a rut at the time, I mean he could have looked at porn or something to get the ideas (which in my experience a lot of men do) IF you notice anything else suspicious I would worry, but that sounds fine to me, just enjoy!
Eh. Sounds like he might be cheating. Usually when a guy or girl starts wanting sex, or does it differently, it means they've done that with someone else. Maybe you should go to marriage counseling.
I agree.
What a strange sex life you have. He's probably been either watching porn, or banging someone else. Either way, he found some new stuff he likes.
this does sound strange and he sounds like he is getting information elsewhere tell him you two need to work it out together not elsewhere.

Good Luck and God Bless!!
I agree with kja63, go talk to him about this. You could accept it and be glad he is paying attention to you. Some women don't even get that.
He has his eye on something else. He can not get to her now so he is doing her through you.
seems like your sexual relationship was a bit askew before this, but maybe he is wanting to try new things...but, you shoulda been concerned before
i agree talk to u husband he's the one with the issues.
I would be concerned. See if he'll see a therapist with you for marriage counseling.
maybe he has been reading cosmo or some other girlymag, or some such sexhelp thing, if everything else is going fine then go with it have some trust.
The best thing to do is ask him directly. Be sure you're not confrontational. Ask in a calm and respectful manner. Don't ask like you're blaming him or assuming something.
you really need to communicate your concerns with your husband and let him know that this "change"is welcomed but, all at the same time is bothersome. Best wishes. sounds like he got a subscription to playboy.
Have a serious chat with him about it. Maybe he has notice that he you are getting bored and he only wants to spice it up .
call me
Maybe he is gay.
amen kja63. 2 pts!
Im sorry but you have to talk to him about could possibly be that he dosent want to meet your eyes.
yeah you should be concerned if he wanting to do things he has never done with you before
i don't think this is the right site for your problem can appreciate your question but not here
seems like u have some rigid attitudes about "the right way to make love". Sit your hubby down and have an honest, open, nonjudgmental talk.
everymen loves doggy style because that blobby azz is right there in fron of you and you can see it shaking...
I agree with kja63! Communication is key in any marriage, but talk when you are both relaxed and NOT while in bed! Good luck!
it does feel better from behind, take control your self
he sounds like he is thinking of someone else and does not want you to know that so there for he can not look you in the face while having sex thinking maybe you would notice it so i would sit back and observe a lil if you know what i mean

Was I wrong to smite the fellow?

On Friday evening, I was standing at the doorway of my gentleman's club, enjoying a puff on my pipe. As I allowed the fragrant cherry tobacco to course through my nostrils, some lowly guttersnipe walked past and flicked the pipe out of my mouth! I was, to say the least, outraged. I'm convinced that this putrid young oik performed this deed merely to impress his equally base friends. Well, what else could I do but engage the bounder in a bout of fisticuffs? I allowed him first strike as any gentleman would, but once that was done I let loose a series of punches so as to unleash my retirbution. But his subsequent tears led me to think 'should I have shown more tolerance to this petulant oaf?'.

Was I wrong to smite the fellow?home theatre

I say Dicky... jolly good show my man, totally the correct etiquette in such a situation, I'd say the young scoundrel deserved a dam good ***** slapping... how dare he insult you in such away, I say he got off lightly. LOL...

Was I wrong to smite the fellow?ballet theater opera theater

Oh my god! It's Charles Dickens!

But I thought you died years ago?!
way to use your vocabulary.... even though i doubt this happened, you sure are a good story teller, but anyways, i think you did the right thing, why let him push you around, right?

dignity, we shall keep that at the very least.
You probably would have been better off to glove slap him and challenge him to a duel to the death. Pistols I'd say.
the tedious little tyke wont assault your pipe again will he?

you did the right thing.

i hope your pipe is still functioning!!
As long as You didn't sodomize the lout Dickie! I think You stayed well with the bounds of Cambridge rules, tears are so lower class and should be discounted out right. Good for You, He needed a sound thrashing!
Egad, you smote him smartly, my good man !!
Societies tolerance for smokers grows shorter by the day. As the evidence mounts that second hand smoke is possibly as harmful as first hand smoke, the smoker will continue to be viewed more critically. Their "rights" with regards to lighting up will continue to be compromised. Get used to it Dicky. Ever thing about quitting. Iron lungs just ain't cool for gentlemen like you.
Egads, no, dear boy! You taught the hooligan a lesson, I say, and he did make the first strike to an unarmed man in a dastardly fashion. What recourse had you but to defend your manly honor?
Twas verily the only option open to your good self sir. Chastising the churlish chump, would have only caused derision amongst this band of backward buffoons. A sound thrashing in this instance, was the correct tonic for this degenerate cur.
you should have run the young whippersnapper

through with your trusty blade
perhaps you should have shown a little more restraint on the lad...but as he did strike first, and was indeed quite an @ss, you were not out of line in smoting him.
a song comes to mind dream a little dream for me ( or yahoo)

keep dreaming the question we will keep dreaming the answers
Oh look, it's another one of those people who goes on a tangent asking a string of fake questions with controversial content meant to get a lot of responses! Just trying to get a rise out of people I suppose. Oh good! We haven't had one of those around here in a long time!

How do you make a band famous and popular?

hey, ive got a ska band, and we've performed live and really BLOWN away people. We are all in high school and would like to get famous. The thing is that it seems like people will see us, clap loudly, skank, dance and everything but then never really follow up on it by coming to more shows. How can i get us popular and famous....even though u havent heard our songs just answer the question with an attitude that we have really good ska songs

How do you make a band famous and popular?palace theatre

In this case, I'm going to have to take your word that you're a decent band... ( I never met a band that thought they sucked...)

But anyway, if you rock, and I hope you do, go straight to the pros that make things happen in the business. A fan following and exposure is great but the way to get an education about how it is that things really happen and possibly more of a shortcut to a real career, is by joining pro organizations such as (this one comes to mind as one of the good ones for networking) and attend their many events (LA, NY, AR, London,) where you can get to meet the people who can help you advance your career.

(If there's talent of course)

Best of Luck

How do you make a band famous and popular?concert tickets opera theater

Book yourself as many shows as you can and sell merch. If you dont got any merch then get it or nobody will know who you are. Itll be a good idea to send your demo or whatever you got to a radio station, and put up flyers around malls, record stores, skate shops that kind of stuff. sign up for battle of the bands gigs. If you gotta do birthday parties and that stuff then oh well gotta pay your dues.
I don't presume you have a budget for advertising, but you can certainly publicise (publicity is free) your band. Ask your local radios for some air time, or play a few of your tracks. Ask different schools around your area to attend. Don't be scared to preform at new, bigger or different venues. Try to preform on a consistent basis at a regular place where people are bound to come, as well as preforming at other places. This gives a dominant region of operations. For more creative ideas, if there is a marketing teacher in your school, ask them, or read up on marketing techniques, especially publicity events.

Who are Your Heroes and why?

Mine are Kurt Cobain

- Because he was both a talented singer/guitarist he was also from a broken home a heroin addict and still made something incredible out of his life he came from nothig and became a leader

Kevin Smith :

like Kurt he came from nothing yet also made films which i feel represent myself, in a way i feel no one else has on film, chasing amy is a film which to me defines love.

Tim Armstrong %26amp; Rancid : because they're a true punk band who never sold out on their old label and came truly from the gutter from the equvilent of an american couincil estate, i saw them reccently and they performed a song about coming from nothing and working hard for your success "To have and have not"

Morrissey : again a working class lad who came from a council estate like me and speaks to generations, one of the first people say its okay to feel disenfranchised from the "mainstream"

Dave Grohl : because he shows nice guys truly can come first in life

Who are Your Heroes and why?regal theater

Anybody that was there on 9/11 trying to save the people in the twin towers.

Who are Your Heroes and why?performing art center opera theaterELVIS cos he is the KING Report It

he is the King of Rock n Roll baby Report It

My parents-They are always there for me. Even if they may seem harsh sometimes,they always look out for me. I know I can always count on them for anything. But most of all,I know that they'll love me no matter what I do.
my dad he is a great person who is always doing things for others! i love him so much and he has taught me alot and he pushes me to do well in everything i do he even comes to every single one of my cross country meets watch in hand cheering me on the whole time even if me and my dad r just sitting around drinking coke and listening to oldies it is the best time of my life!
Jesus because He is the ultimate Hero giving His life so we could all be saved forever.

God the Father because He is so great %26amp; above all,even Jesus!

The Holy Spirit because Hes always a good friend right with me every where i go.

God bless! :)
Nancy Reagan - the way she looked at her husband - love is!, and her Just Say NO campaign.

Mother Teresa (was not catholic) of Calcutta - loved the poorest of the poor.

Rosa Parks - who dared to say no when they told her to go to the back of the bus.

Dr. Martin Luthur King, Jr. - when in college I read, Letters From Birmingham Prison - I gained a new respect for him.

John F. Kennedy - he was strikingly handsome and the first Catholic President.

John F. Kennedy, Jr. - he was very handsome.

Bill Clinton - because he still thinks sex outside of marriage is a joke and treats his wife and daughter like jokes. He never owned a home and lived off the taxpayers for years and now for the rest of his life. I admire the way he sort of says You're all Freaks and his way is the only way. I admire the way he respects nothing but himself. I admire the way he lied about Monica, and destroyed other women who fell for his lies. I admire the way he was elected for 2 terms, and took the American public for a ride.

ME - I admire the way I did not choose to vote for Bill Clinton, because I thought those women from Arkansas had something to say about his sexual advances that made him seem dishonest. I still think about those stories that Chelsey was fathered by someone else other than Bill Clinton. Did Hilliary really have an affair with Vince Foster and now Vince Foster's DNA can't be tested as the father? We'll never know.

Chelsey does have that curly hair, and both parents have perfectly straight hair.............hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I admire my mother who worked 3 jobs all of her life to support my sister and me. She was a hairdresser for 52 years, and worked in many factories. She hated smoking, and so do I. Now we know that second hand smoke kills. She was 88 when she died of cancer four years ago.

I admire my Italian background where family and food are celebrations that are to be shared together.

GOD bless.

MBA - Boston Univ.

My dad, because he always showed and taught the hardest things to deal with in real life, I sure miss him....
Michael Collins, because he was very brave.

Amundsen because through his intelligence and perseverence he got to the South Pole first.

Marco Polo because he had an amazing, interesting life.

Michaelangelo because of the things he created.

Mother Theresa because of her love for the poor and for putting her money where her mouth was.

David Gilmour for his guitar playing and wonderful songs and just plain sexiness.

Pavarotti for sending chills up my spine.

St. Thomas More for his courage in standing up to Henry V111

I could go on all night but then I'd have to nominate the person who had to read it!
My absolute hero was Brian Clough, I adored the man. He said what he had to say and did what he had to do, regardless of the consequences, you knew where you were with him. In his footballing days he was a brilliant player, and in his management days there was no one who even came close to him. He was extremely witty and I just loved him.

I also love Joan Rivers, I think she is a brilliant comedienne, and an absolute prize b***h she's ace.
i dunno superman/wonder woman
Mine is definately the celebrated reclusive American writer and poet, Linda J Cirillo.

Have you ever read "THE DANCE"?
Ace frehley Hes so amazing Hes the best guitarist EVER.
freddie mercury,

all time legend
John Lennon; for his talent, his voice, his overriding passion for peace on Earth.

Paul McCartney; for his extraordinary voice and song writing ability and his longevity in a business where musicians are used and abused by record companies and producers to ensure they stay rich!

Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, Steve How etc for their amazing ability to play the guitar in such a fabulous way,[also includes all the other brilliant axe heroes too numerous to mention]

Prince Charles [believe it or not]; for i believe he has compassion and cares about his subjects, and he should become king, come on Charlo!!!

the list goes on but i shan't bore you with names you don't know.

Suppose this sentence appears in the sports section of the newspaper:?

Lorton's experienced linemen performed well in handeling Jefferson High's Eagles a crushing defeat.

What word in the sentence is most clearly a loaded word?

A.experience B.Handing C.Crushing D.Defeat

Opinion often shows bias.Therefore,it's good to remember that a fact is diffrent from an opinion because a fact can be proved or disproved with

A.imagery B.opinion C.evidence D.bias

Suppose this sentence appears in the sports section of the newspaper:?globe theater

C. Crushing

C. Evidence

Reincarnation... Elijah and Moses will reincarnate again...?

"And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands that stand before the Lord of the earth. If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. These men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want." (Rev. 11:3-6)

While this verse does not specifically identify these two witnesses as Elijah and Moses, the miraculous powers they perform suggests it is them. Just like the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation, Elijah had the power to prevent rain from occurring (1 Kings 17:1; Jam. 5:17) and Moses is shown having the power to turn water into blood and to bring plagues (Exod. 7-12).

Reincarnation... Elijah and Moses will reincarnate again...?state theatre

sure, y not.....

Reincarnation... Elijah and Moses will reincarnate again...?theater opera theater

That does Not mean we all are going to Reincarnate.

You think you can proof 2,000 years of Christian interpretation of the Bible wrong?

You are clearly convinced you know more than God does; there is No sense trying to confuse you with the Truth....
Not Necessarily, Jesus spoke with them on the Temple Mount in the transfiguration. They were probably in a spiritual form.

Stage previews?

I just bought tickets to a stage play that stars some of my favorite A-list screen stars. However, the date I chose falls into the "preview" window and the "official" opening isn't until the next day (which I hadn't realized when I made the purchase). What's the difference between preview and official dates? Will I get to see my favorite stars at this "preview" performance? I like stage shows, but I must admit that I don't know many of the technicalities, and also, I'm mainly attending this specific play for the privilege of watching my favorite A-list actors perform live.

Stage previews?paramount theater

You've gotten great answers already. My only add is that generally preview tickets are cheaper and that's why I buy those. When you have a friend in the show you can even see these shows for free. I've never been disappointed by a preview performance, it's like going to their real opening night because many times it's the first time they run the show with full dress, sets, makeup, lighting, etc. It's as fresh for you as it is for them and sometimes a more exhilarating performance than opening night :-)

Like the others said, the stars should be there. This first time with all the costumes, etc. is important for them.

Have a great night!

Stage previews?theatre opera theater

Previews are like dress rehearsals with an audience. I think you will see your favs.
During previews the cast and crew are still testing their material on audiences and can still make changes if they need to. Since you are going to the preview the day before it opens their shouldn't be any changes between what you see and the official run of the show. Unless someone calls in sick (which can happen on official dates as well) you will definitely see your favorite stars. It's their dress rehearsal and their last chance to run the show before the press reviews it.

Have fun!
You will get to see almost the exact same show as the opening night show. "Previews" are, to put it simply, dress rehearsals with benefits. The actors will be their, the show will be amazing, and I guarantee you won't be able to tell a difference between the show you went to and a later production. "Previews" really are only for the tech crew so maybe a light will be a different color, but that's about it.

My dog loved playing ball... why did she stop?

She's 5 years old, a westie-poodle mix.

She LOVED playing fetch with a tennis ball ever since she could squeeze it in her mouth.

Now- we toss the ball, and she'll half-heartedly run after it and then stop to sniff, or wander off.

Is it a loss in energy? getting older? Something else? She has no other present signs of illness or pain-- though when she was a puppy, we had surgeries performed on her hind legs for luxating patellas, which we're told have healed well, and she has been extremely active since. So, we would make ties between that surgery and this, but she shows no other difficulty running, walking, or jumping.

Any ideas? We're stumped!

My dog loved playing ball... why did she stop?opera ticket

Hmm... I'd take her to the vet to rule out a health problem. Dogs usually don't do that, in my experience.

My dog loved playing ball... why did she stop?pacific theater opera theater

She might be losing energy and losing interest in playing with the ball, try a new toy or game and if she goes back to as she was then she's fine, if not try a vet, she may just be getting older and lazier.
any change in events happened around her? did someone she likes leave the place or soemthing? that could be one reason . other reason is that she might want a mate and she is sniffing one that was in the area . hope she gets back to her real self
well she is probably tired of the game. just like when we get bored of something. she could also not have enough energy since the surgery. she could also not want to play that game because she wants to do something else. she may be getting older and is weak, so chasing after a ball hurts or makes her get tired easily. also the surgery could not have gone well, but she is not showing any signs.

Posterior Cruciate Ligament problem?

Hi i am in the uk forces and i have been having alot of problems with my left knee for about 2-3 months now. It wont fully straighten, is swollen and it hurts when running. Also it hurts to prod the back of the knee. I have been to specialists within the armed forces and they agree there is a problem. I have has an mri scan but all that showed was a stretched PCL, i am sure there is something more wrong than this and i am waiting to see a surgeon to see if he can perform an arthoscopy to see what the problem is, has anyone else got any ideas? The reason why i need this sorting asap is that i am training to be a physical training instructor so i need to be running eveyday.

Posterior Cruciate Ligament problem?home theater system

Scan can never show you the extent of the problem, usually when a doctor goes in and look surgically they find the problem worse than what they see in scan. Its probably torn and the scan is not showing this. You lucky its not your ACL or you would probably need a full knew reconstruction.

Ask the doctor if he can clean out the scar tissue and have a look at the damage, an Australian 400 hurdler had this surgery and was back in action in a couple weeks. This is if your willing to have surgery, other wise try the RICE principle


Ice 20 min on 20 min off

Compress, strap the knee


I want to act ! =(?

Im 13. Ever since i was younger iv always wanted to be an actress. I really love acting and everyone in my drama class at school says im really good including my teacher. i get asked if i go to a drama club all the time but i dont. i used to go to musical theatre but i packed that in as im useless at singing and i wasn't gettin anything out of it as i hated every lesson. its my dream to be on TV one day, in a film or in a soap im not bothered, i just want to act. Im shy but when i get up an perform all that goes away and i get into charcter and i don't care if i embarrass myself. The main problem is i live about a 4 hour drive from the capital city, london, where all the auditions are and where the main shows are filmed so i cant really go. even if i did go and got the part i would have to move there for a bit or get a train. When im older i plan to go to university then get an agent, but how much are they?will i have enough money for on?Please help me acting is all i want to do.Thanks

I want to act ! =(?violin


Welcome to almost everyones dream!

I'm 15 years old and at 13 i had the same dream. so right away i began to try everything possible until i got what i wanted. yeah i know sounds selfish. but i really wanted it bad. My advice to you is that it doesn't matter where you live. because i live in a place with barely anything! theres only one agency and it's the best in Canada. but besides that theres really nothing else. If you really want to become an actress don't wait. if you wait too long then it might not be as strong a dream as it was. So start going to some acting camps. try talking to people and go to film festivals. theres tons of directors there that are looking for actors. Talk to everyone and don't be embarrassed. try doing some plays without singing if you don't like it.

When you eventually get lucky and maybe run into an agent heres the details.

You shouldn't have to pay really any money at all. they want you so you don't have to pay. if they want you to pay them alot it's a scam and you shouldn't talk anything with them. For the money, the really only thing you will spend it on is headshots. don't spend any more then 200$ or they're scamming you again.

To practice TV acting, this is what i do. turn on the closed caption you your TV pick a character and act out the whole scene reading the lines. it's alot of fun and good practice.

Good Luck!!


I want to act ! =(?chinese theater opera theater

have you tried getting work as a background extra.

It would be a start, and could get you noticed.

Don't go with the first one you see. Talk with your parents, check out as many as you can. you can register with more than one.

If you contact the BBC they could tell you what agencies they use. This could help find more reliable agencies
Well I don't know much about acting but follow your dreams. You said that you went to a drama club but you didn't like it. Stick your guns out there. You think you don't like it when actually it could be giving you experience that could be use-full latter in life. Don't be shy always smile even when your not wanting to . I wish you all the luck you'll need.

best of luck girl!!!

Do you find the results of this study on circumcision reassuring?

"According to a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, sexual sensation in circumcised and uncircumcised men may not be so different after all. The research, performed in the Department of Psychology of McGill University in Montreal, consisted of genital sensory testing conducted on circumcised and uncircumcised men during states of sexual arousal and non-arousal. Results showed that no difference between the two groups was found in sensitivity to touch or pain."

Do you find the results of this study on circumcision reassuring?sunshine

I told myself if I ever had a baby boy I would not circumcise.

It wasn't because of what you stated above, but because of the pain the baby experiences having the procedure done. It was long thought that the baby didn't feel the pain, it was fairly quick and very little anaesthesia was used.

Dr. Fleiss (Heidi Fleiss's Dad who is a Pediatrician) did a story on this very topic and showed video of a baby screaming in pain during a circumcision and almost going into a vegetative state for a few moments as a reaction to the severity of the pain. It changed my mind completely.

There is no medical reason why this has to be done other than social pressure. Do we remove any other skin from our body after we are born? It would be like cutting off an earlobe because it didn't serve a purpose we thought it should.

As far as I can tell we were born with all the parts needed. And who ever are maker is had a reason for everything from our fingernails to our eyebrows to pubic hair.

I think it is horrible to subject a baby to that because of nonsensical BS that has been handed down through the ages.

My suggestion would be not to do it until the child or young man is old enough to decide for himself if he wants it. I don't think that there are many men out there who are not circumcised opting to have this surgery done.

Do you find the results of this study on circumcision reassuring?star theater opera theaterThe migill "study" compared tissues common to both complete and mutilated penises, it could not compare the parts missing on a mutilated penis, THAT IS WHERE THE LOSS IS. Report It

The Sorrells study mapped the sensitivity areas of a complete penis and could not find any areas on a mutilated one that compares to that which was lost. Report It

Reassuring how? Were you worried that one way or the other had less sensitivity? Really, I'm wondering how this would be reassuring.

*I don't know why I am getting thumbs downed. I really don't know why this would be reassuring, but go ahead and be jerks. "Everyone's entitled to answer how they like, right?"

Your point?
No, we have not found out the sex of our baby yet but if it is a boy, I have no plans on circumcision. I have seen video done on babies where they are in so much pain they just pass out, that is why they quit crying. Their lips turn blue, it is just horrible. Many say babies can't feel it which I thought also until I watched that video... it was so heart wrenching.
I find it interesting but dont know a single person who opted for circumcision that did it to enhance the childs sexual feelings. Most did it because of religious beliefs or because they feel the circumcisized penis to be easier to keep clean, less likely to get STD's, less likely to get HIV and less likely to get an infection.
It's an interesting study, for sure...but we didn't circumcise our boys anyway :) so it doesn't really impact me one way or the other.
Why would I find it reassuring? Most men don't last very long as it is..I can just imagine how it would be if they had more sensation! I can tell you however, that I had my son (and will have my baby boy too) circumcised because they are less likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease if cicumcised.
It's nothing to do with that. It's mostly for hygienic reasons. Sure it may hurt as a baby, but ask any guy that's been drafted how excruciating it was to have it done then. The military forces you to be circumcised for hygienic reasons. And truthfully, most women find the sight of an uncircumcised one disgusting (at least from the polls I've read).
\Don't let no one tell you that babies don't feel pain they definitely do, and God let them be born with the skin let them keep it . No one would cut my baby that is cruel.

People come up with cruel things to do to people. Some times after they cut the skin it grows back, i see no need to cut it off take a bath and clean up .

You can catch a disease doing a lot of things, You can walk down the street and some one sneeze in your face and give you a virous, do we need to sew their mouth up so they cant sneeze?

Queen Bee

F**k-it attitude when I'm upset. What do I do?

I just really hate people telling me what to do. But mostly when they treat me like a child.

Today one of my leads at work went off on me because I did something petty. He made such a big deal of it and finally I just thought "**** it, I'll quit". They dont pay me hardly anything, and I perform twice as much work as most people. I should get paid double in my opinion.

My lead ended up telling a supervisor because I just walked off on him while he was still bitching at me. I also tossed an important paper on the floor because he didn't bother to take it.

I noticed I do this a lot when I'm angry, I just feel I have to get away, and so I usually just walk off, which shows the person who's mad at me that I really dont care less what their talking about, but I just can't deal with thier crap.

I'll probablily get fired tomorrow, and I really dont care, but I dont want to continue having the same attitude throughout my future jobs. What do you suggest?

F**k-it attitude when I'm upset. What do I do?musicals

Its good that you know you have a problem. I still get VERY ANGRY sometimes too.

But remember, sometimes you need to get away from stressful situations.

and sometimes (certain) people are not worth responding too emotionally.. !

look at it like this...when you got angry your lead recieved what he/she wanted which was to make you upset...

dont give people what they want and that is to see you ANGRY!


good luck and I know if you really want to change you will.

practice makes PERFECT! :)

F**k-it attitude when I'm upset. What do I do?opera songs opera theater

Wow you are being REALLY self destructive. You sound like you have a lot of anger, poor impulse control, and -sorry - you sound like an employee who who cause more problems regardless of how smart or creative they are. You don't want people telling you what to do? Then you need to be self employeed, and probably single, all your life... Unless you change, and you CAN; I suggest you seek out a therapist, if YOU want to be different, more in control of yourself, less angry and fearful (yes, fearful), less pointlessly hostile and resentful, less SELF destructive.
I have this problem too. You just really have to concentrate on calming down your mind so that you can think clearly, and think about what you are doing before you act on it. If you quit your job before you get a new one, then thats just more stress you have to deal with. Keep your job and in you time off apply for new jobs. that way you can still pay your bills and maintain healthy relationships.

How was I??

Ok, is it just me or does everybody want to know exactly how they rated when they have slept with someone new and if there is anything that could be improved?

I am always dying to know the honest truth about how I performed in bed, what was good, what had no effect what so ever, is there something extra I could do to make it even more satisfying? I mean dont get me wrong I'm not self conscieouse or worried I'm just nosey to hear what people have to say about my bedroom antics but its not something I feel people should ask each other when lying in bed after a session as it shows insecurities even tough I have no problem talking about sex, what I like and dont like etc with a partner this is one thing I wouldnt ask them.

How was I??performing arts show

Film yourself, and then study the recording... if u need help You can send me the film... LOL.. just joking.

How was I??opera cd opera theater

You should try girl/girl, I'll be honest with you I promise:)
keep trying ... you'll get it ...
WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a pretty good idea of how I do in the bedroom, although my ex told me almost every time what was good and what didn't do anything for her. Everyone is different though, and what worked for her didn't exactly work for another gal. I usually ask, so I can learn from it. Most people are willing to tell you where exactly you didn't do that great. I wouldn't ask right away, maybe the next morning.
You were great !

but then you always are !
Most of the time you don't have to ask if it is good cause they will tell you and they will be coming back for more.But if they didn't tell you then ask so you will feel better.I feel like if i got a enjoyment then they did too.
Hell, if the sex is good, you can tell, due to the fact that both parties are drippin' in sweat afterwards. If it is lousy, then it's because it was just straight up lousy and the whichever party didn't put much effort into it. So I wouldn't worry about performance in the sack at all. I never asked ANY of the girls I was with how I was in bed. Besides, they never complained. I always made sure I satisfied whatever girl I was with, no matter what. So just remember, as long as you are satisfied then it doesn't matter.
no it is not just you.. i would love to know but have never asked after he happened.. so you just fine

Valentine's Day crisis!!! Please help!!?

I have an unusual problem. I have been seeing this woman, off and on named Simone (pronounced Sea-mahn) and I was assuming we would be together for Valentines Day. I booked this old sappy group to perform in my house (Air Supply), but now---she dumps me a week before, over coffee. It seems she's been seeing this guy named Jake. Anyway---now I'm stuck with Air Supply showing up at my house and no signficant other! I want to make a good impression on Air Supply, so I have been scouring the Escort ad's in the Yellow Pages. Is this a bad or a good idea??

Valentine's Day crisis!!! Please help!!?ballet theater

Oh man! Seamen is so lucky! Air Supply is awesome. You are so much better than that Bozo, Jake, and you have the best tool to be on again with Seamen. What girl wouldn't love a serenade outside of her window from Air Supply? I think "All Out of Love" would be the most appropriate song for them to sing. It will melt her heart and she will be putty in your hands once again.

Valentine's Day crisis!!! Please help!!?chicago theater opera theater


Marty???? Is that YOU?!?!
dance naked in front of them
bad idea! you need to call air supply and cancel them..
Air Supply? I'm having Def leopard play a my place.

It's just a hallmark Day!

But I can send some cougars your way, they are more Experienced.
Bad idea. Ask a good friend (or friends) to come over and watch the band with you. This sounds like you put a lot of effort into planning it and you shouldn't waste it on a girl you found in the Yellow Pages
Can't you cancel the group? It would be better if you could. I think you would be very unhappy with an escort on Valentine's Day
It's not too late to cancel. I really don't think they will care if you have someone else there or not, maybe invite your best single guy friend over, or just a bunch of friends who are doing nothing to hang out and chill, the night is not lost just because you have no date.
BAD BAD BAD!!! if you can get Air Supply then you get any girl too................valentines isn't about buying people and spending valentines with them.... you have a week, even a first date with someone who just wants to go out with you will make you feel good go out and find someone

such rubbish little bit of work doesn't hurt..... instead of inviting just one friend, have a party Baby!!!!!!!
Air Supply was so 1980s.....when was the last time they had a gig? So who are they to judge? Tell them to shut the H3LL

Up and play! Remember they can always be replaced with Journey.
i would hold a private concert with them and invite all of my single friends and family and have a non traditional valentines day party!!! it would be a blast.
Throw a huge party with guns, hookers, drugs, fire trucks, and your friends. Invite couples, singles, acrobats, etc. Tell the truth, and have as much fun as you can.

Sorry about the ex, but Air Supply? She might've split with you over the choice of bands...
My name's Jake. I hired Black Sabbath to entertain Simone on Valentine's Day. We'll be watching the show naked together.

The answer to your question is, it doesnt matter.
go for it

u have a right to do so............

Security Icon?

How can I remove a dialog box that keeps coming up that shows a lock %26amp; says this is a secured site? Also a pop up comes up that states "this site is blocked". I know I somehow did something to make all of this happen but I don't know How %26amp; Where I performed it.

Security Icon?concert tickets

restricted zones porn blocker

when you have found book marks or in history

go to those sites


or when you have a web page open above the task bar you will

see a globe - trusted sites restricted etc

click on that icon

choose restricted sites

add this site by in the address bar located at top of your screen

run your mouse accross that text it will turn blue

right click mouse

choose copy

go back to restricted sites

right click in that address bar choose paste

click ok apply etc

go back to that site you will not get in


if you have loaded yahoo tool bar

if not load it

choose my yahoo

go to the t section

choose tool bar

download it


if you have it or any tool bars

right click on a grey open area at top of screen

you can choose what you want up there

I've got this question...please help me!?

Here's the question: How could you find out the percentage of oxygen in the air you breathe out? Design an experiment you could perform to do this.

Here's my answer - in steps:

1. Take a deep breath, and blow fully into a balloon.

2. Measure the circumference of the balloon at the longest part in centimeters. Convert to decimeters.

3. Find the radius by putting values into C = 2 蟺 r.

4. Find the volume by putting the radius just calculated into the following equation: V = 4/3 蟺 r^3. This will give you your answer in dm^3 (which is the same as litres).

5. Now I don't know how to continue it. I know that the gas inside the balloon is CO2, so now i need to find the number of moles of each. Carbon has an atomic number of 12, and Oxygen has an atomic number of 32. So somehow i need to write a step that showing what to do to find the percentage of Oxygen only in the balloon.

Please help me, anyone!! Thankyou SO much! =)

I've got this question...please help me!?dream theater

uhuh..good morning Victory,,btw..just woke up..11 am

umm..........dunno but take these for consideration ..

that breathing is:


conscious or unconscious. ..

Unconsciously, breathing is controlled by specialized centers in the brainstem, which automatically regulate the rate and depth of breathing depending on the body鈥檚 needs at any time..

so there isn't exact amount of O2 we inhale all the time..depending on body needs...

probably if that's it, there isn't an exact percentage maybe of O2 when we exhale, but mostly CO2 we give off few O2 because our body used them all up.

Here's something I've learned too from my Biology last yr...


"The air we exhale is roughly 78% nitrogen, 18% oxygen, 0.96% argon and 4% carbon dioxide. (% by volume) (Note that the amount of exhaled oxygen varies according to the fitness of that particular person)"..

Not all of the oxygen breathed in is converted into carbon dioxide; around 16% of what we breathe out is still oxygen. Also our reliance on this relatively small amount of oxygen can cause overactivity or euphoria in pure or oxygen rich environments.



combination of Chem and Biology eh?..

wait..I'll think

finding percentage of O2 right?..hmm

scientists already know what that we exhale oxygen about...18%..but I'll think how they'd found that percent..wait up.

ohhh boy..


ohh well let me fix these things up. Finally found solution.

do this:

Using the gas laws, you can calculate the amount of each gas is being inhaled and then you can measure the amount of the gas you are interested in again once the person has exhaled. Once you know the amount of gas, in this case O2,

that is present after exhaling you can divide that amount by the total amount inhaled and then multiply that answer by 100 to get your percent of gas

**note that i can't give you exact numbers but only variables.

so you can use variables in your example and you can find the answer.

so maybe after finding the volume of the balloon

try dividing it with somewhat a certain amount you think about the gas in it, then if you find a certain number for the variable you can maybe multiply that by 100 to get it's percent?

ohhh..I ain't accurate but some sort of an idea though

I've got this question...please help me!?performing arts opera theater

You are thinking nicely, however, you have a BIG problem.

We breathe in carbon dioxide as well.

We breathe in nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and a host of other gases.

When the body uses the oxygen, it breathes out less oxygen and more carbon dioxide...NOT solely CO2 as you are concluding above.

We breathe in about .4% carbon dioxide and breathe out about 4% carbon dioxide.



Outlook 2003 does not synchronize with Exchange 2003?

I use my laptop off-line. I upgraded my Exchange 5.5 (Windows NT) to Exchange 2003. I moved my mailbox to the new Exchange server. When I Send/Receive, new email goes into my exchange server inbox, but I can't use it offline. If I get internet email from offline, it goes into the inbox, but when I connect to the server (later), that message disappers.

I upgraded Outlook 2003 to SP2.

I even tried deleting my old .osp file and it did create a new one. But that does not sync either.

When I look at my folder properties, it shows that it NEVER synched. When I go into Send/Received Groups and set these folders to SYNCHRONIZE, I then get an error message after send/recieve that says "Exchange server reported error (0x80070005): You don't have appropriate permission to perform this operation. - I do not see an appropriate setting on Exchange Server 2003 to allow or fix this.


Outlook 2003 does not synchronize with Exchange 2003?amc theatre

You probably need to recreate the connection to the Exchange server in Outlook. If you just changed the server name in the mail account setup dialogue box that can happen.

Just delete the mail account, reboot and add it back in. Make sure you accept the default option for cached Exchange mode.

Outlook 2003 does not synchronize with Exchange 2003?symphony opera theaterFirst born not necessary. Just hoist a pint in my honour at some point and we'll be four-square. TFTP! Report It

I'll ask danuitti to send you a copy of his book. He owes me one anyway. http://www.keepyourcomputerali... Report It

bostonianinmo's suggestions look pretty good. I did a bit of hunting around the "Bill Gates Knowledge Base" but do not see any suggestions that you have not tried. Something tells me that the Outlook 2003 SP2 didn't help the situation at all. If your office has some down time, try installing any of the Windows Server 2003 updates, like the SP1. But again, that might be "clutching at straws".

But really give bostonianinmo's tip a try. As he said, DELETE the email Account, then reboot. Don't skip the Reboot step. When you ADD the account again through the Control Panel's Mail section. You should see it synchronize as soon as you open Outlook.

Let me ask, did you see an Option to Connect or Work Offline when you first opened Outlook? If you did, then this points more toward bostonianinmo's suggestion. (Give him Five Stars if this works)

My music teacher is worrying me, what to do?

I pay $40 aus for a half hour session. She is the only one in my area and all the other teachers are full. I get there and we always start 15 minutes late. I sing 2 songs and then she tries to usher me out as quick as possible. She answers the phone in the middle of me singing and cuts my lession short sometimes.

On the otherhand she is showing me some interesting things to which I notice improvement on.

I want a teacher who cares about how I perform and really wants to help me make a career out of it. I'm running short on time as I have started later in life and I don't think she is really in touch with the real world in terms of getting out there and going to uni. I need an hour at least!, but she said it would cost $80. Thats alot per week.

How do I address my concerns to her?. Should I try to find another teacher?. Should I just wait and see if it improves. Are all private teachers so quick to usher you out there door without explaining things that I don't understand.

My music teacher is worrying me, what to do?imax theatre

She is unethical.

I am an American (US). Here we have The Better Business Bureau. If there is something like that there, there is the possibility of giving her a bad notice.

You are being treated shabbily and unethicly.

She is charging you for her time, and you are not receiving full measure.

She may be the teacher, but you are her employer. She has obligations. Tell her that you expect her to act professionally.

The lessons will start on time. No phone calls will be taken. You wish to continue with her, but if she wishes full payment, she will meet commitments.

If neccessary, time her, and pay on a prorated basis. If she instructs you for 20 minutes, 2/3 pay, etc.

Make it clear.

If you end up leaving, report her conduct to

(it would be the State Attorney General here).

the authorities.

What do i do about this?

my boyfriend performed the sexual act of squirting on me he pushed hard when i pushed away he pushed harder he said sometimes he loses his mind. Later on that night i bled, i went to the doctors they did a smear test i had an infection, and the test came back as no reading because of the swelling i had to take another one asap but that showed to be ok. i told him later he wasnt sorry for making me bleed just sorry for me havig to go to the doctors thats all . he said it was good hard sex. Is he right? or is it abuse.

What do i do about this?shows

its abuse, you said no.

sex is between consenting adults, and did you consent that is the question you should ask?

What do i do about this?comedy show opera theater

It can be both. He really shouldn't hurt you by having sex but that sex is too hard. I think it is mostly abuse and a little of bit hard sex.
Throw him in jail and find a nicer boyfriend.
well wat i believe i think that it is sexual abuse. If some has sex with you and you dont wanna but they do it anyway thats sexual abuse.
Technically, it's both. He should have listened to you or your body language and backed off a bit.
even if you told him to stop, he probably wouldnt care.
common some one makes you bleed and you say that ok!!!!!!!

i would have dumped such person. who knows what happens next????? no risk taking..
if its the first time then maybe it was hard sex, but if it happens again, then you need to pick up and go, and not only that, if he didn't show any remorse then it is still a form of abuse. You deserve better.
Sex is special, it is supposed to be something that people (in marriage) enjoy together.

Your boyfriends actions are wrong, sex should be of benefit to both parties involved.

My advice: Never sleep with him again.
1. Dump your b/f

2. If you vocally agree to a bit of rough, or do not say stop. you have learned a vauble lesson (speak up).

3. if you did say no or ask him to stop - or just didn't say yes. notify the police.
Any time he does something against your wishes its considered abuse. As long as you clearly say so. If he does something that makes you that uncomfortable, and causes you physical harm also, consider that abuse. Good sex should cause neither of these things.
